Friday 25 January 2013

Exam Time? Handy tips to revise

I have a few exams coming up, I haven't really done exams in a while which meant it took me a while to get back into the routine of revising. I turned to the internet in the hunt for some tips to help me get into the swing of things, and found some handy tips!
  1. Don't procrastinate - This one is a big one for me, My mind always tricks me into believe I have more time than I actually have! I've now learnt to do whatever I can however small when I have some free time - This week I've had reading week, and my Playstation and football on the TV has never seemed so appealing, but there's plenty of time for that after I've had the satisfaction of doing well in my exams. 
  2. Mind maps - Some people like to take in information visually, and the use of mind maps can be an effective way of storing the information as opposed to just reading it from plain white paper. Remember to make your mind maps as colorful and art filled as possible, for more information watch the video! 

   3. Be prepared - Remebmer that preparation key, should you ever get lost, you always have something to fall back on. A timetable I've found helps and acts like a rota, it ensures you always find time for every module/subject and you revise everything, you can always add more time to the subjects you find difficult. 

  4. Take a break - Do not work yourself too hard - if you've given yourself plenty of time to revise you should always find time to keep yourself motivated - I've personally found that even 15 minutes to have a cup of tea or watch some TV helps to keep myself having a positive attitude to my revision time.  

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