Friday 25 January 2013

Music can't get much better than this!

Being a big fan of acoustic music, I've always tried to look out for some of the best musicians on guitar. There's something about the skill of being able to play good music, and I think it can have a strange effect on people's moods or even take us back to a particular memory. There are a few amazing artists out there right now, but I would like to show you just two artists you may not have heard of, and are hidden gems to listen to when you need that relaxed music to keep you revising or relaxing in your room. The first is a guy named Andy Mckee, personally I don't think he can be beaten for pure musicianship and rivals the best of guitar players. Check the video below to see some of his amazing work on the acoustic guitar! 
The next artist has to be my favourite of all time, he is massive in America but not a lot of people know of him over here. Despite having a lot of rock/blues songs out, John Mayer's music always have had a feel for summing up how you feel in his lyrics, his song 'Stop this Train' echo the feelings of so many twenty-somethings. We're starting to build new lived, leave old ones behing, lose people and become people. And in the middle of that 'train ride' we feel like we're moving too fast, like we're not ready for the challenges ahead. We want someone to stop the careening speed of the train that is life. 

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