Thursday 24 January 2013

TED Talks - Janine di Giovanni

There were a number of talks I wanted to share with you all, but this one really stood out for me.
Janine di Giovanni works as an editor at 'vanity fair’ and with two documentaries about her life, a number of top selling books, she is considered to be a courageous and significant woman in the field of reporting. She has seem some of the worlds most worst places, and have reported live from various places such as Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan and many more. Janine believes her role as a war reporter is “to bring a voice to people who are voiceless & to shine a light in the darkest corners of the world.”
Janine has seen some of the world’s worst horrors, and helps out in any way she can while she’s out reporting. In the video below she talks about rushing people to hospital and dragging people away from being shot at, she endangers her own life doing every day in these conditions but knows that she has an important place in sharing stories and experiences so that they do not go unheard. I urge you to listen to some of her stories in the video below and promote her work!

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